Higher Education In Internet .



Land/Road Surveying 


Gemstone difference and colour , identification . tooling . 

Rocks of economic importance : Bauxite , Gypsum , 

Many fields benefit from geoinformatics, including urban planning and land use managementin-car navigation systemsvirtual globesland surveyingpublic health, local and national gazetteer management, environmental modeling and analysis, military, transport network planning and managementagriculturemeteorology and climate changeoceanography and coupled ocean and atmosphere modellingbusiness location planningarchitecture and archeological reconstruction, telecommunications, criminology and crime simulationaviationbiodiversity conservation and maritime transport. The importance of the spatial dimension in assessing, monitoring and modelling various issues and problems related to sustainable management of natural resources is recognized all over the world.

Geoinformatics becomes very important technology to decision-makers across a wide range of disciplines, industries, commercial sector, environmental agencies, local and national government, research, and academia, national survey and mapping organisations, International organisations, United Nations, emergency services, public health and epidemiology, crime mapping, transportation and infrastructure, information technology industries, GIS consulting firms, environmental management agencies), tourist industry, utility companies, market analysis and e-commercemineral exploration, etc. Many government and non government agencies started to use spatial data for managing their day-to-day activities.






SEM(Scanning electron microscope)

Geological Engineering 

Soil science 


Graphic design ( Adobe photoshop , Illustrator , Indesign , Coreldraw , Serif Pageplus , QuarkXpress , Inkscape , Gimp ( 1 ) (Gtk) , Krita , Scribus ) 

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