
 Prem , Yogesh , Aileen are your more true relatives than Grandparents . 

Grandparents are your more true relatives than your parents . 

Arts and Books are my home . 

Blood relation does not imply that your blood will improve to good blood , or bad blood . 

Hateful or greed character will only make your blood bad and cause dysfunction . 

Why I don't study ? 

I want my msc to be passed . 

But I had done badly in it . But I had failed in it . so I cannot apply in companies to work in geology section . 

Even if I pass in it , I cannot apply in any Government company or institution because my marks are less than 50% . 

The only way to work in Companies is to graduate in some related course or program . 

while working I can do Msc again . I will not be eligible for Jrf , Gate , but I could still be eligible for Net , Upsc . 

Before gondi , uttar pradeshi , oriya , beggars , my legs , kidney , fingers , intestine are gareeb it . 

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